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Harbin Pioneer M&E Techincal Development Co., Ltd.  


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公司名称 Harbin Pioneer M&E Techincal Development Co., Ltd.
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 ¥0.00
公司类型 company (Manufacturer/Factory)
所 在 地 China/heilongjiang/harbin
公司规模 1~3 People
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 2019
经营模式 Manufacturer/Factory
销售的产品 Probe , Tool Setter
主营行业 Manufacturing & Processing Machinery     Manufacturing & Processing Machinery / Machine Tools     Manufacturing & Processing Machinery / Machine Tools / CNC Machine Tools    
Harbin pioneer M&E technical development Co., Ltd was established by Mr. Sun Baichun in 1995

. After several years of development, the company gradually determined it's main business ------ CNC

Machine tool probe development, production and sales. In 1999, the company officially changed its

Name to Harbin pioneer M&E technical development Co, Ltd.

In the past two decades, Pioneer focused on the field of CNC machine tool probe operation. We

Developed probe, tool setter and a variety of probe stylus this three series of products. As the first

Manufacturer in the field of CNC machine tool probe in China, Pioneer has always insisted on

Independent development, and work hard to track the world's advanced level. In recent years, we

Research and develop two new probe systems. They are radio probe system and optical probe

System, and their main technical indicators have reached the international advanced level.

Pioneer has a dozen of product patents, and Pioneer is also one of the two drafting units of

National industry standard "trigger sensor" (JB / T5215-2007). In the years of development, Pioneer

Also developed a variety of devices that used in testing the probes and tool setters performance and

Technical indicators, and designated a series of detection methods, has accumulated a wealth of

Manufacturing experience. All of these effort make pioneer formed a unique technology and product

Competitiveness, making Pioneer become a domestic and international well-known brands in CNC

Machine tools probe field.

In 2013, Marposs S. P. A, became one of the shareholders of Pioneer, and Pioneer became a

Sino-foreignjoint venture company.

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